We provide caring and personalized help to individuals, students and families in career guidance, coaching and college planning services.
Copyright © 2011 New Beginnings Career and College Guidance; © 2011 Elsdon Organizational Renewal
Send an e- mail to renewal@elsdon.com or newbeginnings@elsdon.com with questions or comments.

Are you wondering how to increase your sense of fulfillment in your work and life? Are you wondering how to increase your effectiveness in your work? Are you wondering how to strengthen your skills so that you contribute more in your current position and become more marketable? If so, I can help you.

In the coaching process I work with you to explore:
-Increasing your fulfillment using a self-assessment process to clarify what is important and meaningful to you
-Building skills to enhance your effectiveness in current and future positions, examples include:
-Interpersonal skills such as listening, assertiveness, conflict management and communication
-Leadership strengths such as self-awareness, organizational abilities, coaching others and creating affiliation and purpose
-Alternative approaches to specific situations that may arise at work such as creating effective strategic direction, balancing short and long term goals, handling difficult co-workers

The coaching process begins with a three month engagement during which we meet in person or speak by telephone every two to three weeks. It is designed to meet your specific needs and is guided by objectives that we create together at the beginning of the process.

Please contact Ron by e-mail at
renewal@elsdon.com, or call 925 586 9039 to learn more of the coaching process.

"May you live all the days of your life"

Jonathan Swift

Elsdon Organizational Renewal
New Beginnings