Our book titled "Affiliation in the Workplace: Value Creation in the New Organization" is available from the publisher Praeger (Bloomsbury Publishing).
More details are provided at: Affiliation in the Workplace
Affiliation in the Workplace is also available from many on-line book sources such as Amazon.com and
Here is what others have said, our book testimonials:
"Timely ... an important work in developing a better understanding of the relationship of individuals with their organization. It ... will be as relevant ten years from now as it is today." - Steve Leven, Senior Vice President, Texas Instruments.
"Filled with concrete ideas on how an organization can adapt to the changing workforce demographics and enhance the relationship between individuals and organizations ... provides plenty of ideas and challenges as we focus on recruitment and retention matters that loom ahead. This is a must-read for leaders of any organization!" - Dorothy M. Moser, Vice President, Human Resources and Training, and Barbara J. Lewis, Assistant Vice President, Training and Staff Development, Easter Seals, Inc.
"By combining stories of organizations that have dared to do it differently with strong quantitative analysis of how they measured their success, the author moves beyond merely issuing the challenge to equipping us for the battle ... a must read for all of us who continue to battle for the hearts and minds of our people while simultaneously justifying the bottom-line impact of our efforts." - Pearl Sims, Director, Leadership Development Center, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University.
"A critical analysis, tempered by a humanistic approach, of the most significant element in our workplace today ... The author captures the science and art of affiliation with documentation, case studies, introspection and insight. Not only is this book filled with hope for the future of our organizations; it should be required reading for the leaders of tomorrow's organizations." - Sue Aiken, MA, NCC, NCCC, Chair, Career Development Graduate Program, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California.
"Thoughtful and thorough. Written by an experienced organizational career consultant, the book addresses how industry leaders and human resource executives can create a work environment that strengthens and inspires individuals and as a result enhances growth and productivity of organizations." - Betsy Collard, Director, Office of Alumni Volunteer Relations, Stanford University Alumni Association.
Here is a perspective from the Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge web site: "... Incorporating real-life case examples with an appropriate amount of theoretical and empirical research, Affiliation in the Workplace offers concrete and inspiring suggestions for enhancing connections between the individual and the organization." (Copyright © 2003 President and Fellows of Harvard College).